Month: March 2024

Is Your Faulty Breathing the Key to your Tight Neck, Shoulders, and Stress?

 When was the last time you paid attention to the way that you are breathing? Are you breathing fast, shallow and in your chest? Or are you drawing slow deep breaths down into your belly? Did you know that the way that your breath can influence common musculoskeletal conditions such as tight shoulders, neck pain,…
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10th March 2024 0

Ice, heat, rest, movement – What to do with a new injury

In the realm of injury care, the choice between using ice or heat is a frequent query among those seeking guidance at our clinic. Deciding when to employ each method and understanding the optimal duration can be perplexing. Today, we delve into the intricacies of this dilemma, shedding light on the RICE protocol’s limitations and…
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10th March 2024 0