Category: General

The best sleeping positions and strategies for pain and optimal health – Improve sleep quality and find relief with the assistance of chiropractic care.

A good night’s sleep is crucial for our overall well-being and health. It is during sleep that our bodies repair and rejuvenate, ensuring we wake up feeling refreshed and ready to tackle the day. Achieving the highest quality of sleep involves managing your light exposure, sleep and wake timing, nutrition, and exercise, as well as…
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10th July 2023 0

How to Choose the Best Handheld Massager

Disclaimer: I personally use and sell Dr Graeme Professional vibration massagers out of my clinic. As a chiropractor, I get asked a lot about handheld massage devices, as there’s so many around now that patients struggle to know which one they should be interested in or if they should bother at all. Knowing how to…
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5th June 2020 0

When Stretches and Massage Don’t Cut It

People come into clinic all the time with muscles that they’ve been massaging, stretching, foam rolling, etc for months or even years, but the issue just keeping coming back (sometimes within hours). This is because muscles are never tight and sore for no reason – you just haven’t found the reason yet. Then WHY are…
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28th November 2019 0

Compressed joints are pretty bad

See a quick video demo on the effects of joint compression on muscle control below: View this post on Instagram A post shared by Rehab –> Strengthen (Jake) (@therehabprocess) on May 1, 2019 at 2:34pm PDT If you’re a patient of mine, you’ve likely heard me talk about joint compression before, as well as experienced…
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15th October 2019 0

Your Core Muscles – Not Just a 6-Pack

Your core is one of the most vital groups of muscles for not just longterm physical health and injury prevention, but also for athletic performance in just about all aspects. It creates the stability in your spine, pelvis, and torso for your limbs to be able to move with coordination and power. It provides the…
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17th July 2019 0

Dealing with Desk Life

This shouldn’t be breaking news for anyone by this point – sedentary life might be comfortable for a while, but pretty quickly starts to become damaging to your health and body. Back pain, neck pain, headaches, tightness, and muscle weakness are just some of the issues that can be directly related to dealing with desk…
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28th May 2019 0